Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Who Am I

We are born into this world without knowing it or asking for it. Our fate is almost like someone who stranded in a remote island. As time goes by we learn things from people around us. One of the earliest things we learn is about our identity. Since our birth, most of us have been given a name as part of our identity. And then we learn more about our identity, such as race, religion, gender, etc.

Sometimes a person does not like his/her identity and tries to change it with all possible ways, such as changing hair color, way of speaking, even the face through plastic surgery. However, those attempts only goes as far as the external, but what about internal? What about our spirit? We can change our appearance as we want but if our spirit remains the same, then all our effort are in vain. Our dissatisfaction in regard of our identity is actually not a matter of the physique matter. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize this as they are too busy trying to change their physique or getting as much money as possible to have a better life.

We cant see our own spirit and for that, we don’t really know who we are spiritually. To truly understand our true self, we need to look back to the beginning of creation when God the Creator created the first man as recorded in the book of Genesis :
“So God created in His (own) image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them”. (Genesis 1:27)

What does it mean to be created in the image of God? Does that mean that we physically look like God? Of course not because God is spirit, He is formless and unseen. Hence, it must be a spiritual image, (characteristic and personality), rather than a physical image. This is why it is important to get to know God because as we know God, we understand who we are supposed to be, our fate identity.

What is God like?

I is hard for us, fleshly finite men, to understand God who is Spirit and infinite. For that reason, God has come down from heaven and become a man with all man’s limitation so that we can understand Him better. He did all this out of His love for us. And so, God showed us the life He expects from us through His human form. This God-man figure is known by the name Jesus Christ. It is through Jesus Christ that God has made Himself manifest to us physically. And this is why it is very important for us to know Jesus Christ, what is He like?

1.     Jesus Christ was born and lived sinless (John 8:46)
2.     Jesus Christ is full of grace and truth (John 1:14)
3.     Jesus Christ has authority over everything (healing, resurrection, nature, multiplication, forgiveness of sin, casting out evil spirits, etc)
4.     Jesus Christ is meek and lowly (Matthew 11:29)
5.     Jesus Christ is the righteous judge (John 5:30)

After we know more the character and personality of Jesus Christ, we understand more who we are supposed to be, our true identity. Remember dear reader, we were created in God’s image. Let us compare ourselves with Jesus, starting from His Characteristic: Sinless. Are we sinless? I think we all know the answer, no one is born and live a sinless life. We are all sinners. Just by looking at one characteristic of Jesus and we already fail to have the image of God! You may wonder if we were indeed created in God’s image who is sinless then why are we sinful? To understand this, we must go back to the very first time man feel into sin:

And the LORD God said unto the woman, what (is) this (that) thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat (Genesis 3:13).

The serpent (Satan), he was the one who cause man fell into sin with his deception. That is why we must fight Satan and his demons by casting them out in the name of Jesus Christ, God’s name. Satan hates the fact that we were created in God’s and for that reasons he wants to ruin God’s image in us. Satan succeeded. As the result of Adam and Eve’s fall, all his or her descendants are born with strong tendency to sin that no one has escaped from sin. The following, are the list of sin, try to remember which sins you have committed, and realize how sinful you are :
1.     Worshipping other gods
2.     Worshipping idols
3.     Using God’s name in vain
4.     Not resting in the Lord Jesus
5.     Not honoring your parents
6.     Killing (hatred is killing at heart)
7.     Adultery (looking at someone with lust is adultery at heart)
8.     Stealing
9.     Lying
10. Envy

Sin is the source of all our problems, not just in this life but also in the after-life. That is why sin must be dealt, but how? Can we wash away our own sins? No, beloved reader, as sinful  people , we are helpless and that’s why we need help from God the Almighty. Jesus Christ in human form, not only to made Himself known to us, but also to wash away the sins of the world, so that whoever believe in Jesus Christ will receive eternal life.

Around 2000 years ago, Jesus sacrificed Himself as a human on the cross to pay for your sins. He had done this for you for free because He loves you. If you are willing to surrender yourself to Jesus and acknowledge Him as your King and Savior, then all your sins will be forgiven as you received the atonement that God had prepared for you. With your sins washed away, God will gradually restore your identity that has been damages by sin. All this, God does through His Spirit, the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Jesus, given to anyone willing to receive Him.

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, (even) to them that believe on His name (John 1:12)

This is our true identity, the children of God! Beloved reader, despite our sinfulness, God is willing to adopt us as His children. Everything that we need to become His Children, everything that we need to become His children, He has provided. The only question is, are we willing to be His children? God’s love is unconditional; He will receive you just as you are. No matter what sins you committed in the past, He will wash them away if you are willing to repent and surrender to Him. For those who want their identity to be restored as the children of God, our initial identity, please say the following prayer with the willingness to repent that is to leave your old life behind:

Lord Jesus Christ,

I give thanks for your unconditional love. Thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your sacrifice on the cross. I believe and gladly accept the works that you have done for me. O god, father in heaven, as you have paid my price fully, I am all yours now. Shape me as you wish. Make me Your Child, O God. In the name of Jesus, I cast out all evil spirits that afflict me, get lost! You no longer have the right to afflict me as I belong fully to Jesus Christ now. Father in Heaven, lead me with the spirit of Jesus that I may live more righteously in Your sight. In the name of Jesus, I have prayed. Amen.

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